Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Agape Association of El Salvador

Today, May 5, 2010, Harry Reppert, Jim Labbe, and myself are staying at the Agape Hotel in Sonsanata, El Salvadore. It is part of a campus created and run by the Agape Association of El Salvador. The association was started and is still led by Father Mucci Gaglili Flavian. You can check it out at www.agape.com.sv.

I’m experimenting here with the ability to insert a photo album. The pictures include the usual: here we are arriving, here is my room, here is the courtyard, here is a map of the grounds, and maybe a few more telling shots: armed guards at the gates, dinosaurs and tigers helping with the construction, teenage mutant ninja turtles illustrating the ratio station mural, extensive play grounds, and of course the Catholic Church.


This hotel stay is just a side light to our trip here. We will be having breakfast with the Mayor of the nearby town where the school we came here to visit is located. Later we will visit the school to bring supplies brought by Harry from his church and carried by Virago from La Cruz. Stay tuned. And let me know how the album worked.

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